Friday, 12.27.2024, 3:44 PM
How to change an *.exe to a *.jpg
| 11.25.2009, 10:58 PM |
There are many questions about how to change the *.exe to a *.jpg (or
something else) without keeping an *.exe somewhere (so not *.jpg.exe or
something like that).
1. Make a new folder on your desktop and put your *.exe and your
picture in it. Go to Extra --> Mapoptions (or something similair to
that, I have a Dutch computer). Go to the 2nd tab and make sure "Show
hidden files" is checked and "Hide extensions for known file types" is
2. Rename the *.exe to for example lol.jpg.
3. Rightclick --> New --> Shortcut. As target fill in the
following without the quotes: "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c lol.jpg"
and as name for example me.jpg. If your picture is called for example
mypicture.jpg, the command will be "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c
mypicture.jpg" without quotes.
4. Rightclick your disguised *.exe --> Properties --> Hidden. In
this way the victim will not see the disguised *.exe, only the shortcut.
5. Change the icon of the shortcut to the icon of a picture.
You're done!
Basically what this does is when you click the shortcut, it'll open a command prompt executing your "image".
Keep those 2 files together in the same folder, or it will NOT work!
100% written by me :)
Have fun with it ;)
Category: Hacking tutorials | Added by: h4ckz0r
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