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11.25.2009, 10:51 PM

Firstly wen you go into your local library and logonto a computer they usually give you 20-60 mins logging time... wel not know more firstly go to your desktop once logged into and create a new notepad file no WORDPAD.. and type in .........command
[Image: nphqvo.jpg]

saves this as (anything).bat then open it this should run CMD/Command prompt
then type in color b (this makes it look better lol)
press enter..

type in tasklist...press enter
[Image: 14jx186.jpg]

this should bring up the processes running on the computer..
look for the one you thing is to computers logon the are usually name NETsomething.exe look next to it there should be 4 numbers these are the processes PID's/Process ID ...
then type in taskkill -PID (the 4 numbers) press enter this should stop the process then you should get aslong as you want ... this can be used to stop filtering and other things PM me for other [tuts on this]...

[Image: 10dxon5.jpg]


has your school got really good filtering and blocking software or doesnt it ??
well if it does heres the way to stopp this..
there are too easy ways to do this one is to get a USB/PEN DRIVE and make a new batch file the command must be net stop (the .exe file ran) say for netsupport it would bee..... net stop client32.exe
save this on the usb and open it on the admins comp.. there are many other easy ways using RAT'S and stuff but this is for basic hackers.
or another way is to get a adminspass search for tuts on that .

heres a good hack if you schools comps have SHIT filtering and webblocking software and runs on XP
go onto calculator and got to the icon in the left hand corner and click it then go to jump to URL and type in your web page you want . this wil open the HTML page through the calculator good hack only for NOOBS there are other ways using command lines and batch file pm for that tut.
Category: Hacking tutorials | Added by: h4ckz0r
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